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Gear Guide

Simms Oceantek Wading Boots

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Over the last several seasons, my wading boots had fallen into disrepair as regular encounters with barnacle covered rocks and general use had worn them down. Looking for something new, the Simms Oceantek boot has shown itself to be a great replacement. The Oceantek’s design with a fully integrated tongue helps it prevent sand from entering the boot especially using gravel guards folded over top. On sand, it provides excellent traction although unless you are standing on barnacles, i.e. “nature’s own cleats”, it would be wise to invest in metal studs for use on rocks. These boots are comfortable enough for running when fish are breaking waaaaaay down the beach.


In-Touch Fly Line

rio -fly line review


Rio’s InTouch Striper fly line provides a fairly narrow diameter head that weighs in at 330 grains. Having transitioned from the Aqualux Intermediate’s 270 grain head, the InTouch is heavier but still effectively loads a 9 weight rod especially in situations that demand minimal false casting. This is a good line for fishing the surf as it provides a supple and yet durable connection.


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