Ruben Martin is a fly fishing guru from Argentina who shared one of his exquisite crab patterns for permit with us. It’s a great pattern and although it looks complicated, it’s not a difficult pattern to tie. Give it a try and email us with any questions.

Material list:
Hook: AHREX NS 122 Light Stinger or NS 172 Curved Gammarus.
Thread: UNI 8/0 o Veevus 8/0
Weight: bead chains
Antennas: 0X monofilament
Rostrum: Rabbit hair
Eyes: Monofilament or similar
Claws and legs: ultra chenille
Shell: Hard plastic material curved
Step 1 : Tie in pair of bead chain eyes.
Step 2: Tie in a second pair of bead chain eyes.
Step 3: Attach two pieces of monofilament as antennas, and paint it with permanent marker of brown color with black dots. This step can be skipped if you don’t want antennas.
Step 4: Tie in a small tuft of tan colored rabbit hair.
Step 5 :Make two monofilament eyes, burning the tip with a lighter.
Step 6: Cut off excess monofilament and secure with thread wraps.
Step 7: With a piece of Ultra Chenille build the claws, for this we only have to take the Chenille and make a simple knot, then we cut the desired length. Then, carefully burn the tips with a lighter.
Step 8: Prepare a little quick-drying epoxy glue ( I use Poxipol because it has the ability to remain in place because of its consistency).
Step 9: With the same Vernille or Ultra Chenille of tan color, prepare the legs, cutting six small pieces and burning a tip of each piece with the lighter.
Step 10: Put glue on the bottom of the hook.
Step 11: Add the shell- a small piece of semi-curvoid plastic that shaped with scissors. I use plastic spangles that are available in craft houses.
Step 12: Once the glue is dry and the parts are affixed, paint the shell and the top parts of the claws and paws.
Step 13: On the bottom, paint the glue with some glaze or lacquer with glitter.
Materials used, Lacquers and permanent markers used to color the imitation.