Our January 2021 issue features TFFM’s Travel Editor, Peter McLeod, writing about one of his longtime passions in “For the Love of GTs.” In this companion video, Peter offers a crash course on where you can find GTs, what tackle you need, favorite fly patterns, where to target them on the flats, how to strip the fly, and how to fight them. If you have any interest in fishing for GTs, you’d do well to listen, as Peter literally wrote the book on the subject. GT: A Fly Fishers’ Guide to Giant Trevally is available through Amazon by clicking here: AMAZON.
For more information on fly fishing any international destination, you can contact Peter directly at peter@aardvarkmcleod.com or visit his website at www.aardvarkmcleod.com.

Giant Trevally taken in the Seychelles on fly.

Another Giant Trevally taken in the Seychelles on fly.
Cosmoledo – The GT Capital of the World