Teuthis – Fish Art - Tail Fly Fishing Magazine Skip to main content


by Shawn Abernathy
One  of the greatest misconceptions of art is where it belongs.
Millions travel to France to pay homage to the masters. Some things you don’t expect to see when you travel to France are stunningly abstract, yet anatomically correct ocean-going species in back alleys, abandoned storefronts and  street corners.
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Teuthis is not your ordinary street artist. With a background in marine studies and graffiti, he creates beautiful drawings that he later pastes on unsuspecting buildings. He creates his work on large-scale pieces of paper and then uses a special paste to adhere them.


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Art doesn’t always have to be in a museum to be called art. As saltwater anglers, we know that the ocean itself is perhaps the greatest masterpiece of all. Street art is something we have all seen at one time or another. While his work may not be accepted by everyone, there is no denying that his art is unique, creative and extremely well done. The majority of his work can be found in Normandy but he is known to have work  around France and other parts of Europe as well. Next time your travels take you to France or beyond,  be sure to keep an eye out.






You can follow Teuthis on Facebook and Instagram.

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Originally published in Tail #22 – March 2016

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